Episode 18: Black Orpheus and the Happy Little Trees

Black Orpheus is a 1959 Brazilian film that retells the Greek tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice. If that sentence doesn't bore you to death, feel free to stream this cinematic classic on the Criterion Channel.

If like me, you're thinking that that film might not be for you, it probably isn't! This film is beautiful to look at but purposefully lingers on vivid scene after vivid scene, much to my chagrin and Mike's delight.

We also chat about Bob Ross and the new documentary about him available on Netflix right now.

If you want to interact with the show, you can find us on all the socials (except facebook. 🖕) by visiting our linktr.ee here or by visiting SubjectToBlackout.com!

Michael can be found at the Name Taken Podcast, so check that out today!


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